There’s a lot at stake when you’re charged with a criminal offense. After all, a conviction can strip of your freedom, leading to long-term incarceration that rips you away from your family members, friends and the life that you’ve worked hard to build. But the damage...
Criminal Defense
Expungement and non-disclosure under Texas law
Your criminal record can wreak havoc on your life for years to come. It can make it difficult to secure and maintain employment and housing, your reputation in the community might be significantly damaged, and your record might be used against you in a custody case....
Constitutional violations serve as defense against DWI charges
You are driving down the road, when suddenly red and blue lights are flashing behind you. You pull over and the officer gets out of their vehicle and asks you to submit to several tests to determine whether you are driving under the influence. Shortly thereafter, you...
Realities surrounding alcohol use
A night out on the town or at a house party helps people unwind from a long work week. Oftentimes, gatherings involve significant amounts of alcohol. As the evening wears down, partygoers may find themselves more intoxicated than planned. They may have driven to the...
Your health condition can impact the result of a DWI breath test
If the police pull you over on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, you may be asked to perform a Breathalyzer test to determine your blood-alcohol content. However, the results of these tests can lead to a false positive, even if you are not legally intoxicated....
Here’s why you shouldn’t talk to the police
If the police suspect that you’ve engaged in criminal wrongdoing, they’re going to do everything in their power to try to get you to talk. Ultimately, their goal is to get a confession that they can turn over to the prosecutor for a quick conviction. That’s why it’s...
Texas Expunction Expo: How do I get my record cleared?
In some situations you can get your criminal record cleared. This process, called expunction, involves a petition to the court. This post provides some information on how to start the process. Why should I look into getting my record expunged? The presence of a...
What is assault and how is it defended?
All criminal charges should be taken seriously. When a Texas resident is alleged to have committed a crime, they can be thrown into a world of unfamiliar processes, terms, and deadlines. It can benefit an individual and their family to seek the help of a criminal...
Ways of defending against drunk driving charges
Drunk driving charges can send the accused driver’s life into tumult almost immediately. Because accused drivers are facing potential criminal and administrative penalties, and a potentially sweeping impact on their personal and professional lives, they should be...
3 reasons to limit communications with officers during an arrest
Many Texans have heard that individuals have a right to remain silent when they are under arrest. Television shows and movies often make dramatic scenes out of arrests and show suspect being led away as law enforcement officials recite Miranda warnings to them....