In the blink of an eye, your child can turn against you, hitting you with unexpected and undeserved criticism, thereby threatening to disrupt your relationship with them for years to come. Where did this behavior come from? It might be hard to tell at first blush, but...
Expungement and non-disclosure under Texas law
Your criminal record can wreak havoc on your life for years to come. It can make it difficult to secure and maintain employment and housing, your reputation in the community might be significantly damaged, and your record might be used against you in a custody case....
Constitutional violations serve as defense against DWI charges
You are driving down the road, when suddenly red and blue lights are flashing behind you. You pull over and the officer gets out of their vehicle and asks you to submit to several tests to determine whether you are driving under the influence. Shortly thereafter, you...
Is there a way to get out of your prenuptial agreement?
A prenuptial agreement can be a great way to lay out financial obligations during the course of marriage while also protecting assets and your personal interests in the event that divorce occurs. But what once may have seemed like a favorable agreement may look pretty...
Five dangers of DIY divorce
A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that their divorce can be finalized quickly. Although this is the case for some, for others, moving too quickly means that they put themselves at risk of being taken advantage of during the process and reaching an outcome...
Realities surrounding alcohol use
A night out on the town or at a house party helps people unwind from a long work week. Oftentimes, gatherings involve significant amounts of alcohol. As the evening wears down, partygoers may find themselves more intoxicated than planned. They may have driven to the...
Parents’ rights when they are and are not with the child in Texas
In Texas family law cases, it is not unusual for people to be unsure of the scope of their rights with child custody and visitation. For example, they might not be aware of their right to have information about the child’s care and treatment when they are not with the...
What is a paternity order in Texas?
You most likely have heard the term, "Paternity" but you may not understand exactly what paternity is and the rules that apply in Texas. In the state of Texas, paternity means legal fatherhood. If the parents of a baby are married at the time of the baby's birth,...
How does distance impact seeing my child after a Texas divorce?
In the United States, Texas is the largest mainland state and is second only to Alaska in terms of size in the union. With that, people who have gotten divorced may live a significant distance away from their former spouse. If there are children from the marriage,...
Your health condition can impact the result of a DWI breath test
If the police pull you over on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, you may be asked to perform a Breathalyzer test to determine your blood-alcohol content. However, the results of these tests can lead to a false positive, even if you are not legally intoxicated....