Your Line Of Defense Against A First-Offense DWI
The days following an arrest on suspicion of drunk driving are upsetting. You will be detained and left wondering about the penalties that you may face. If you are currently facing DWI charges for the first time, then you will benefit from the experienced legal guidance of an attorney.
Criminal penalties can vary for a first-offense DWI. The results of your case will depend upon your criminal record, the circumstances of your arrest and many other factors. Possible criminal and administrative penalties for a first-time DWI conviction with a BAC under .15 include:
- A maximum of 180 days of incarceration
- Fines up to $2000
- License suspension for up to 180 days
- Annual driver’s license fees up to $2000
Skilled Drunk Driving Defense
A DWI conviction can be costly to your finances and your freedom. The penalties can be worse if you refuse to take a chemical test, if you have a BAC of .15 or higher, or if you have a child passenger. It is important to secure knowledgeable legal representation for drunk driving defense. At Jeremy J. Poet Law Firm, PLLC, we can assist you in reducing or eliminating criminal charges by carefully evaluating your case and crafting a strong criminal defense.
He is a skilled trial attorney and is prepared to advocate on your behalf in court when it benefits your interests. He will analyze the circumstances of your arrest and poke holes in the prosecution. He has defended numerous clients facing first-time DWI charges in Sherman with beneficial results.
Schedule A Consultation Today For Legal Guidance
It is our goal to help you understand your charges and your rights. We will work with you to create a defense strategy that will yield the most beneficial results. Contact our office today, located in North Texas, for a free consultation with a lawyer. Reach us at 903-357-5269 or fill out our online contact form.