Committed To Obtaining The Best Possible Outcome In Your Criminal Defense Case
The consequences associated with a criminal conviction can be devastating to your future. You owe it to yourself and those who depend on you to seek the best legal representation available and to do whatever you can to ensure that your interests are protected.
At Jeremy J. Poet Law Firm, PLLC, we provide aggressive, results-oriented representation in a broad range of complex criminal defense matters in Sherman. Our substantial background with these cases allows us to be much more proactive and efficient in our efforts to obtain the best available outcome on your behalf.
How We Go About Minimizing Criminal Charges And Their Consequences
In every criminal law matter, prosecutors will routinely file charges for any crime that is even remotely connected to the actual offense that is committed. Conspiracy, aggravating factors and other charges are frequently used to impose maximum penalties — or at least the threat of them.
We know the law, and we know what charges can realistically be imposed for a particular offense. We work hard to see that you do not face charges for crimes you did not commit, and we take decisive action to have any unfounded charges dismissed immediately. We negotiate directly with the prosecutor to secure the best possible outcome on your behalf.
We will not recommend any plea deal unless we truly believe it represents the best result available for your case. If a reasonable agreement cannot be reached, we will go to court and ask a judge or jury to decide.
Contact Our North Texas Office To Speak With A Lawyer
If you are facing charges for any type of crime, please contact us to learn more about your legal options and how we can help you. You can reach our office by calling 903-357-5269, or via email by completing the form below.